Monday, December 13, 2010

What is Photography to me?

I find a lot of joy in photography for many reasons. I've spent the majority of my high school career exploring all my options in the realm of art and expression finding that though I am enthusiastic toward painting, printmaking, and sculpture, I ultimately am not so confident and quite frankly fail at it. Photography was a quick fix for a missing class hour on my first semester schedule, but to my surprise I have found that I love the ability to get lucky and capture a great photo. Photography has become my new artistic passion and I truly mean that. I didn't realize how artistic photography actually is until being handed a camera, learning the elements of composition, and being expected to come back with a glamorous exposition of pictures. So essentially photography to me is my best form of expression, a challenge I will always take, and exciting adventure each time I snap a shot. The first photo I captured in my photography class is above. It's no sailor kissing a nurse in times square, but I sure am proud of it!

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